School Hours
School commences at 8.50am. Please note that your child should not arrive prior to 8.30am. For arrivals before 8.30am, all students should sit in the old undercover area, near the administration building with their bags.
- Start of School: 8.50am
- Lunch: 11.20pm to 12.00pm
- Afternoon Recess: 1.30pm to 1.50pm
- School finish: 3.00pm
Any student arriving after 8.50am must obtain a late pass from the Administration Office prior to going to class.
If you are going to be late dropping your child off or picking your child up, please contact the school administration to let us know as soon as possible.
Student Absence
When students are absent from school, parents are required to inform the school within three days. Please write a note, send an email or call the school if your child is away.
All student absentees are to be advised either written or verbally. Letters are sent home to parents of students with unexplained absences. If you receive an absentee letter, please complete, sign and return to the class teacher or the administration office as soon as possible. Thank you.
Family holidays are not encouraged to be taken during school time, however, a written note must be sent to the Principal informing the school of the planned absence and specific dates.
You can contact the school on:
Tel: 08 9253 4550
Did you know?
- If a child misses five days a term for ten years, that is 1 year of schooling they have missed
- If a child misses one day a week for ten years, that is 2 years of schooling they have missed
- If a child is late everyday by 1 hour, that is the equivalent of one full day a week of learning opportunities missed